About Me

simply ebi. be yourself but don't be selfish.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

is it over?

one of my friend suddenly pop out on my chatbox panel. facebook.

fren: abi, did u get the JPA?^^


fren: mvm. mybe god has better plan for you.

ME: sokay.. i'm happy for him. he deserve it.

fren: be cool okay..^^

ME: mm-hmm..

ten minutes later.......

fren: hey, "she" oso got the call fro jpa.. ^^

ME: (this time i answer in my heart. silence.)

Ya Allah. apahal aku xdapat.?? result aku ok gik dari nya.
aku sama grup ngn nya wkt interview.
aku tauk aku jawab lebih bagus darinya masa ya..
tolonglah aku YA ALLAH..
aku mintak hikmah di sebalik nikmat kaki kanan ku yang engkau gantung.

maseh layakkah aku berharap.


aku hanya layak berhenti berharap.


ain hazirah said...

woooo ..
merintih juak paduhal ..

xpa2 ..

Farabi Ropa said...

sa mok nangis jak.

Anonymous said...

populasi kaum (60 peratus), kecemerlangan akademik (20 peratus), Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak (10 peratus) serta golongan 'socially disadvantaged' (10 peratus).

Ya bak kata auntie aku.

Enciknombor8 said...

sabar je la ye =]

Hafizan Ahmad said...

huhuh... saba bro.!
He knows better.. believe that.!

Yazid_Dizay said...

sabar2...mesti ada hikmah di sebalik ya...

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